
Bold is a Basic GFA game
Originaly created in 1989 and 1992
Released to the public in 2004
Bold is copyright © Laurent KERMEL

This is the Unknown area. No censors have been able to scan the station this deep. There is a strong electro-magnetic charge in this area which creates lightings behind your ship. Do not worry, they are harmless.

Here is a first power-up. This will add a Thunder Bomb to your stock.

Your first enemies are easy to beat, especially with the Bold Laser. Because the Auto Fire is now full, you can just press the mouse button and enjoy the show.

This is probably the best way to pass this formation. In Wasp mode, you can just fit at the top of the screen inbetween the ceiling and the big carriers.

Later on, you will face a group of floating rocks. Beware as solid green balls will rush at you. As in Stage 3, the only was if to attract them by moving up and down, while avoiding the rocks.

Nearly there...

Formation of purple gelly fishes wait for you on the other side.

More floating rocks, but no nasty green balls anymore.

More and more groups of floating weird creatures.

The boss is getting close now.

Here it is. It fires clouds of rotating balls of energy at you, which can be destroyed if you keep shooting at them. You must first destroy all four of the tinny walls protecting its core.

Once again, I had never played Gradius when I designed this boss but got certainly influenced by pictures in video game magazines and also by the Bitmap Brothers' Xenon which borrowed the same idea.

The core is now fully open and vulnerable. The end is close.
( I always wanted to add a couple of different attacks to this boss as it keeps always repeating the same. Anyway, this will probably never happen... )

Bye bye...
This boss is probably my less favourite as I kind of rushed it at the end. I had something a big more organic in mind as the idea of the game was a continuous metallic to organic evolution.

Fill up your Thunder Bomb stock and finish up any improvement on your ship. Be ready for the final encounter !

Time to rush to Stage 5 !

BOLD is ©1989,2004 - Laurent KERMEL